English Dub Review: The Duke of Death and His Maid “The Duke, Alice, and Memories of Snow”



Alice seems to be avoiding the Duke, turns out she’s sick. After the Duke nurses her back to health they build snowmen and have a snowball fight. During the commotion, she loses her mother’s earring. The Duke goes to look for it and gets a little help from a witch named Cuff.

Our Take: 

Alice and the Duke are couple goals, ya know… minus the whole curse thing. She took care of him when he was sick then she gets sick and he does the same. Then they build snowmen and have a snowball fight, just a super cute couple. If they don’t win “Couple of 2021” I am going to riot.

We got a new character in this episode in Cuff the witch. She can turn into a bat and has a minor attitude problem but she seems like a cool character. She is voiced by Sarah Wiedenheft and I really like the work she’s done. I think she is really underrated and I hope that Cuff will be in this more.

I am really impressed with Clifford Chapin in this show. It’s so different from his usual roles and I can’t forget the singing! He has sung in a previous episode but he let it out a bit more this time. He has a legitimately good singing voice and I hope he gets more roles that involve that.

With Cuff being a witch I hope we will get some more info on the Duke’s curse. But she did mention that she isn’t close with many witches since she has a human father. Hopefully, she comes through and can help our boy because he and Alice definitely belong together. For not being able to touch though they are better than a lot of couples I’ve seen. Let’s hope this show continues being solid.