English Dub Review: I’m Standing on a Million Lives “The Journey of Death”



Jezby’s father is the one infected with the parasite. It’s called a wireworm and the only way to kill it is to burn it and the host. Yusuke doesn’t hesitate to do what needs to be done and this makes some of the others worry about where his moral compass is.  Jezby takes the heroes to her village and Yusuke and Glenda go off to meet the chief. They are trapped in his dungeon, and he attempts to kill the other heroes by dropping them in a bottomless river.

Our Take: 

I know we have all had that moment yelling at the tv screen because characters are acting dumb. But this was a little much I mean Yusuke is pretty smart and usually overly cautious. What made him think that going into what was essentially a storage closet be a good idea. Plus the chief of this village LOOKS like a villain, I know they say don’t judge a book by its cover but someone had to know this guy was bad news. Jezby was even talking about some of the bad things he had done so maybe they should of at least been more cautious. I just don’t like when typically smart characters act dumb for no reason.

Yusuke seems to think his moral compass might be off after how he handled Jezby’s father but I think he had done much worse earlier and didn’t even bat an eye. I also agree with what he did, there was no saving her father so that was the quickest most painless way to end it. On top of that, if he didn’t handle it how he did there could have been an outbreak of those worms that would be way worse. Just a bit inconsistent to me.

Everyone fell for the villager’s trap and that was a bit disappointing. I get why Keita would cause he’s a dumbass but everyone else seems to have a pretty good head on their shoulders. This was probably the worst episode of this show I have seen and it was really disappointing. The writing here was just not good, I know that this is isekai fantasy so it’s not exactly meant to be high-brow entertainment but this was so bad that I couldn’t really stand it. Not enjoying this arc so far but hopefully, it can turn that around in the remaining episodes.