W2W2nite 9/30/21: FXX ; Paramount+ ; HBO MAX

Courtesy: FX Networks

“New Year, New Me”

Premieres: 9/30


The Beast is unleashed.


Courtesy: HBO MAX

Network: HBO MAX

Tom grapples with being corrupted by the grownups around him each day just by leaving his house. Bad influences seem to lurk around every corner… litigious parents, drug dealing bus drivers and band teachers who want to sleep with his mom. If he sets up a lemonade stand, he gets sued for gross negligence. If he plays baseball, he is encouraged to “dabble with roids.” And if he visits the school nurse, he is introduced to the world of insurance fraud. The grown ups in Tom’s life all mean well, but somehow just can’t manage to lead by example.


Courtesy: Paramount+

“I, Excretus”

Network: Paramount+

A consultant arrives on the U.S.S. Cerritos to run drills that require the lower deckers and bridge crew to swap duties.

Watch a clip here.

The Harper House Harper Family Pose

Network: Paramount+
“Baby Talk/ Coupon Kid”

With her sister Brenna’s questionable support, Debbie resorts to “baby talk” to make sales at Awning Con. Meanwhile, Shauna Bradley scams an impressionable Freddie.