English Dub Review: Sonny Boy “The Cat Who Wore Sandals”



Some of the students have become “frozen” like statues. Nagara gets pulled away from helping Nozomi and Asakaze search for other This Worlds. He and Mizuho are tasked with solving the mystery. With all of the students involved being loners and wanting to be isolated, what can they do?

Our Take:

There are times I am watching this show and feel like I’m witnessing a fever dream. Once again this episode has me wondering what exactly is going on. If you just accept that you are going to have no idea what’s going on for now you will enjoy your time with this show I promise.

I was hoping Mizuho would be in the show more and it looks like my wish has been granted so far. I know that Nozomi is supposed to be the main girl but since when does that mean she is best girl? For now, I would say that is Mizuho, she has the standard tsundere archetype down. Plus she is voiced by Tia Ballard and she uses a different vocal range than I am used to with this character. Mizuho also revealed that she was able to use her powers before the drifting incident, so maybe others were able to as well.

There was some sort of blackout curtain that led to an isolated place where Mizuho and Nagara found the missing students. They were perfectly happy being there and don’t really want to leave. No one notices them anyways and they feel like outcasts, so they feel more comfortable on their own. I have felt that way before too so I can understand which is why forcing them out of there felt wrong somehow. I don’t know if these characters will be addressed in future episodes but they kind of just go back into different groups, nothing really felt resolved on that end.

Speaking of forcing them out, the way they did it was wild. Nagara got his hands on some weird-looking equipment that looked like it had animals attached too. I don’t know if this is part of someone’s power or what but I will be honest I was totally lost on that one. It was still really cool how they solved the issue even if it may not have actually been in the best interest of the students involved.

Sonny Boy is going to be a wild ride every week it seems. I have no clue what is going but since it’s an anime original I am hopeful it will make sense in the end. So far the characters are interesting and I want to see them interact more (especially Mizuho). Finding out that Nagara MIGHT have an ability is also really cool and piques my interest to keep watching.