English Dub Review: I’m Standing on a Million Lives “We Can’t Be Heroes of Justice”



The episode opens with some backstory for Rice. His friend was killed when their nation fell and he thinks of it often. We go back to the orcs attacking the beach. Yusuke gets to try out his new weapon and it kills a few orcs. It’s essentially a ballista, but it fires iron bolts that can pierce orc skin. Unfortunately, Rice loses his life in the battle which causes Yusuke to shed some tears.

Our Take:

The beginning was a bit jarring because the last episode ended with the orcs showing up but this one begins with everyone around a campfire. It was just a flashback but still a bit confusing, I was lost for a second. I guess in this show if you get backstory and aren’t the main character that equals death. Rice was really cool too, he made a pretty huge impression last episode, and just like that he’s gone.

The surprising thing was that it made Yusuke start crying. I mean this was the guy who had no qualms about killing people last season. To give him credit though that was before they discovered that this isn’t a game but another world. So all the people here are actually alive, maybe knowing that has changed his outlook a bit.

What I am about to say about the voice acting is probably going to sound like I am talking crap but I promise I mean it positively. Kusue is voiced by someone who is pretty new to voice acting if their voice actor page is anything to go by. She’s voiced by Valeria Rodriguez and you can tell she’s learning the job. But she is doing great, I really enjoyed her in this episode especially when Rice met his end. Her reaction was part of what made me start my own waterworks.

Yusuke made a good point in this episode that I really liked. Keita seems to believe that since they are the “heroes” that automatically makes them the good guys. Yusuke points out that the orcs and the people of the island made a pact and the people broke it. So, technically speaking the people of the island are the bad guys in this case. Really makes the title of the episode stick out and resonate.

This season is really fun so far. It’s not going to win any awards I don’t think but it’s entertaining. And it isn’t overly cringey, some of the voice acting can be but it’s not the worst I have heard that’s for sure. Whoever voiced Rice did a great job, if I’m not mistaken it was Steve Staley. This show isn’t great with its cast list outside of the main characters so I can’t be one hundred percent sure but either way great job to them!