English Dub Review: 86 EIGHTY-SIX: “Will You Remember Me?”


Overview: Lena (Suzie Yeung) continuously struggles to get the Spearhead unit the proper respect they deserve in sending more reinforcement units. Also, after some debate amongst Shin’s (Billy Kametz) unit including that of Anju (Maureen Price) and Kurena (Erica Mendez), he along with Raiden (Jonah Scott) decide to tell her the truth about their eventual fates. 

Our Take: The revolution festival finally gets underway with Lena unenthusiastically attending despite the constant troubles that the 86 have as she finally secures some reinforcements for them. During the festivities, there was a crucial element of San Magnolia’s culture that I had not thought of previously that occurred to me. Vladilena’s best friend, Henrietta, had many romantic male admirers that were courting her and that it was a natural part of most women’s life seemingly. The nation’s social norm of having various suitors compete for a woman’s favor, a decision that is usually made to fortify one’s social or political power along with affluence, speaks to the juxtaposition of the dreamy false idealistic culture with that of the discerning economic, social and/or political qualities as being a key factor in marriage and compatibility. A screening process, might I add, that is akin to, if not exactly the same, as that of old England. This just continues to add onto the ever-growing complexity of San Magnolia and shows the contrasting dynamic of the warm and uplifting forward thinking appearance and comfort on the surface that is supplemented with cold and outdated ideologies. 

The party ends with yet another late night chat between Vladilena and her future husband, Shin. This is a beautiful conversation that not only features the titular question but also fits the overall moral later on beautifully focused on being remembered whilst one is alive. Billy Kametz and Suzie Yeung give incredibly heartfelt and determined performances as Shin and Lena in the intimate firework blooming moonlit scene. 

The episode ends with the tragic revelation that Shin and the rest of the 86 have been sent to fight in the war with the Legion to meet an eventual demise, much to Vladilena’s bewilderment of course. While shocking, the real kicker, however, is how Spearhead responds to it with it acting as the pièce de résistance of the seventh entry. The decision to not rebel against San Magnolia even with what the 86 are subjected to is powerful on multiple fronts. First, there is the awe-inspiring uplifting group moment, led by Jonah Scott’s radiant speech as Raiden, showcasing the collective dedication to each one’s personal consciousness. But then it paints even more shades of grey, ones that have been constant throughout, with each side having their own conflict of their wrongdoings. It does this while simultaneously cultivating the lore of the show, in what I had wanted previously in Shin’s attachment to San Magnolia, but applying it to the entirety of Spearhead with everyone choosing not to harm even the “pigs.”

“Will You Remember Me” is a masterful episode that won’t soon be forgotten with it’s effortlessly complex and detailed worldbuilding along with equally world class voice acting and character moments.