English Dub Review: Tokyo Revengers: “Return”

Overview: Hanagaki (AJ Beckles) is thrown back to modern day Japan and seeks to understand what led to Akkun’s (John Omohundro) downfall. 

Our Take: “Return” squashes a couple of worries that I had going into this series. The premise of Takemichi’s time travelling tale woven in with a coming of age gripping realistic coming of age story was intriguing from the get go. However, Naoto, despite playing a prominent role as Hinata’s brother and a trigger for Takemichi’s abilities, seemed to be on the outside looking in. With reduced appearances after thrusting the main plot forward, the series began to give the impression that his role would be cut down as there would be long gaps of without reminding me why he is important beyond the initial setup of everything and as an occasional portal back. 

Thankfully though, those concerns were as Naoto returned to the fold to squash every single one of them. Initially, Naoto did not have a lot of discernible personality besides being hellbent on saving Hinata. So suffice to say, piddling through Takemichi’s horrid apartment or making fun of him when he embarrassed himself gives him some much needed charm in the form of levity. Also it is great to see the character is not being sidelined and him working with Takemichi will effectively allow for two different sides to the story and conflict. 

At the same time, the fourth episode reinforces the notion that there is just as much focus being placed on the present timeline as that of the past one. Akkun and his original fate being undone to then only to be forced into a much more grim one is a compelling make or break moment for Takemichi that intensifies the conflict and his resolve that much further. The whole butterfly effect seemingly being the route being taken with the simplest of deviations causing huge ripples in the timeline could potentially make for various delicate situations moving forward. Is it the most scientifically sound reasoning? Most would probably say no. But when it is all said and done, to this day time travel and all it entails has not 100% been proven and is all based on conjecture. But what is proven is that in Revengers case it is more than effective in laying the groundwork for more rocky terrain in what will surely be more trials for Hanagaki ahead. 

Tokyo Revengers blasts back into the present with another hit entry progressing Naoto into the spotlight along with Hanagaki and making him an appealing character and partner, not to mention inciting even more intensive stakes moving forward.