English Dub Review: Skate-Leading Stars “Perfect”



Himekawa’s team and Shinozaki’s team both perform. They are definitely the teams to beat with how well they did. Shinozaki needed work on the entertainment aspect of skate-leading but seems to have it down now. Now how will Ionodai answer?

Our Take:

You know if they made the earlier episodes the same quality as the last two I might sing a different tune about this show. Unfortunately, the first nine episodes happened the way they did. It’s a shame because it feels like it’s starting to realize the potential I thought was there in the first episode. That might be the best way to sum this show up as is “missed potential” but we will see how the final episode pans out.

I know when it comes to anime and certain characters and groups everyone has their own “favorite”. I will say I think it speaks volumes when you find yourself rooting for the “enemy” in a show. Like who would actually root for Frieza in the fight versus Goku? Probably no one but I find myself rooting for Himekawa and Shinozaki’s team more than Maeshima’s. Like everyone is just developed so poorly that just showing a character in a little bit of positive light instantly makes them more favorable.

Even Shinozaki gets a little more development. While I think it’s a little too late it made me root for him during his performance. The animation for both the performances was really well done except for one part. During Shinozaki’s performance, there is a part where he throws a sword then catches it. The issue is, it’s really jarring because it falls in his lowered hand instead of the raised one and just looks bad. I don’t know if this is an animation issue AND a writing issue or what but it happens twice and was very noticeable.

For once though I actually enjoyed my time with Skate-Leading Stars and I think that might be the biggest compliment I can give it. When it actually focuses on what the show should be about it succeeds. Even if the sport is made up and doesn’t make much sense, it can still be enjoyable. I am actually looking forward to next week’s episode and hope Ionodai and Maeshima can put in a winning performance.