English Dub Review: Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Shittier than Real Life! “The Only One to Beat the Game”



Hiro’s tragic past is tripping during an important track meet and peeing himself. He was planning to quit playing KQ until Reona shows him a walkthrough from the only player to beat the game, Kamui. She also tells him that she would like to marry whoever can beat the game besides Kamui.

Our Take:

As far as tragic backstories go that has to be the most disappointing and lamest one yet. I mean don’t get me wrong it sucks and I would probably quit track too but c’mon. It was built up to be this huge thing that traumatized him for life but once again it’s just something played for laughs. My poor guy Hiro can’t catch a break, the writer of this light novel must have it out for him or something.

Now as far as reasons to go back to playing the super shitty game I can think of worse ones. If the beautiful, busty game shop owner said she would marry me if I beat the game that would be a pretty good incentive. I will say I don’t completely trust Reona and think there is more to this than meets the eye but people fall in love in anime for dumb reasons all the time so who knows.

I can’t really figure out what this show wants to be. The comedy is really hit or miss to me. With a miss being the most frequent result. Mainly cause all of the comedy is at the expense of one singular character. Like “Oh look something bad happened to Hiro again! Haha so funny!” is how we are supposed to react. It was funny at first but can we please get the laughs from somewhere else? I know I keep saying this but as long as it’s an issue it will need to keep being addressed.

Hiro is back in the game and going to meet the leader of the guard Tesla. Maybe things will finally go his way but I am not holding my breath on this one. I think they are just going to beat this dead horse thinking it will come back to life. On the bright side, Hiro’s sister is pretty cool. Actually believes in her brother still even if she doesn’t show it in the healthiest of ways. One thing that was funny besides Hiro’s misfortune was how big a dick Kamui, the player who beat KQ, is. His walkthrough was hilarious. Maybe we can get a bit more of that in future episodes.