Review: No Activity “Exit Counselor”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
Dirk takes matters of his marriage into his own hands after teaming up with the FBI and Dustin (Jason Mantouzkas). Dustin is frustrated with Cullen’s lack of enthusiasm and commitment while filming his documentary based on The Collective.

Our Take:
The investigation continues as the FBI gained a new ally in the form of Dirk at the end of last week’s episode. It showed that Dirk would do absolutely anything to win back Sue, even if it means kidnapping her and hiring Greg (Bob Odenkirk) to “deprogram” her. While this episode went completely nowhere, it still provided a few laughs in the scenarios to keep the investigation engaging.
The beginning of the episode saw Dirk and Greg, aka the “Exit Counselor”, taking Sue to a motel room in an attempt to fix their relationship. Unfortunately for Dirk, Sue is still not on board with getting back together with him. No matter how many times they try to “deprogram” her mind, she still wouldn’t budge.
The segments with Dirk and Sue remain as one of the most exciting parts of the season because of this episode. Ever since Sue’s encounter with Terry, her perspective towards Dirk has changed completely. However, Dirk still believes that Sue’s strange behavior has something to do with Terry’s manipulation tactics. It continues to make the viewers question whether Sue’s true feelings towards Dirk are real or not while giving them hope that their relationship doesn’t end on a depressing note. It’s frustrating to see Dirk like this, but at the same time, it’s also sweet that he still cares about her. Plus, it was nice to see Bob Odenkirk’s “Greg” returning to the show as Dirk’s “helpful” assistant.
The scenes involving Dustin and Cullen were also pretty humorous. Dustin once again proved to be an example of Mantouzkas’s ability to effectively portray obnoxious yet comical characters. However, if you don’t like Dustin’s loud and distasteful personality in the earlier seasons, there’s a good chance that you’ll not like him in season four as well. Nevertheless, I thought Mantouzkas still did a good job at balancing his character’s mean-spiritedness with comedy.
The best part of the conversation between Dustin and Cullen was when the former has the documentary crew filming the investigation. I guess Dustin wanted to show off his skills to Hollywood. Not only was it hilarious to see Dustin attempting to make a serious documentary, but it also had him mentioning about filming it as weekly episodes with cliffhangers. Moreover, it perfectly satirized the scheduling format that the current streaming services like Disney+ and Paramount+ are doing nowadays.
As for the segment involving Janice and Fatima, all I can say about it is that it’s a small step backward from last week’s appearance. It involved Fatima berating her former high school crush, who is a part of the cult, for taking her virginity. It was later revealed that Fatima was the one who forced the guy to have sex with her. Whoops. It had its moments, but this was something that doesn’t affect the overall plot if it was removed entirely.
Overall, the “Exit Counselor” episode continued the investigation with two hilarious segments and one unnecessary misunderstanding. It may take a while for the characters to shut down Terry and The Collective for good. But as long as they continue to provide plenty of funny conversations during this process, I wouldn’t mind seeing it progress even further.