English Dub Review: The Quintessential Quintuplets “Welcome to Class 3-1”

The quintuplets start looking for work to share the bill with Ichika, including Nino starting to work at the same bakery as Futaro. Miku also tries applying, but ends up working at the one across the street, yet is still eager to improve herself. Yotsuba nominates Futaro and herself for their class representatives. Later, Ichika tries spending more time with him, but gets pestered by some of her fans and has to disguise herself as Miku. Futaro doesn’t recognize her, so she decides to confess her feelings to him as Miku.

Ichika, Ichika, Ichika. You were my pick to win it all for the longest time, but this deceptive move is the beginning of your downfall. Much like how Nino doomed herself by confessing first (and also all the drugging and abuse), Ichika has now felt the pressure to catch up to both her and Nino by taking drastic measures. But this move is not without its reasons, even if it also inadvertently shows why she is not destined to be the mysterious bride of the flash forwards. Given that she has essentially had to be a substitute mother for the rest of her family, is only now finding herself in her chosen career, and had to sacrifice much as the eldest sibling, there has been a yearning building in her to just have something to herself. And as much as she had been rooting for Miku in the fight for Futaro’s heart, she also saw a connection between them that she couldn’t afford to let get away. And after seeing Nino’s sudden initiative, Miku’s growing drive, and Yotsuba saying she should get what she wants, it seems Ichika is finally taking things into her own hands…by pretending they are someone else’s hands.

This downward spiral will be covered for the remainder of the season, so we’ll touch back on it as it develops. Other than that, this episode shows us that Nino and Miku are moving forward in their own goals, Nino just wanting to be closer to Futaro and Miku wanting that AND wanting to become a better version of herself, which is arguable more admirable. Even if you want to catch the attention of a special certain someone, you shouldn’t let that cloud your goals for yourself, because whoever is right for you will want you to succeed in what you want just as much as you want it for them. Yotsuba and Itsuki are also doing…stuff in the background, but they’ll get a few more moments to shine in the remaining episodes. Plus, there is quite a bit that I have to say about the two of them as certain things come to light, so keep an eye out for that. Otherwise, this was another solid episode of setting up the more spicy drama to come that will close out this second season. Will it make sense? Will it be properly paced? All these questions and more will be asked! Repeatedly!