Review: No Activity “Brother Eduardo”


Overview (Spoilers Below):
The SDPD brings in a PR representative (D’Arcy Carden) to address Tolbeck’s accident. Dirk and Sue settle in at The Collective. Meanwhile, Cullen and his new partner Risoli (Jillian Bell) began to monitor a former cult member.

Our Take:
The investigation is officially underway. Well, sort of. The episode immediately answered the big question regarding Tolbeck and Reinhardt’s fate from last week. Tolbeck managed to survive the accident, but sadly, his partner did not. Reinhardt was only in the series for two episodes, and then the writers decided to kill him off. I found that small moment to be disappointing because I happened to like Reinhardt as a character.  I would’ve loved to see their partnership continue to grow throughout the season.
Afterward, Tolbeck works with the PR representative to prepare for his TV interview about the accident that killed his new partner. The representative wanted to make sure Tolbeck has a good image. However, the way she has him choose the “Widow” personality and take the vitamin pill had me questioning her motives. It’s a fine segment that featured Tolbeck and the representative mentioning Reinhardt as “Brother Eduardo”. However, I still wish I could’ve seen more of Tolbeck’s relationship with Reinhardt, which was one of my favorite parts of the last episode. Rest in peace, Reinhardt. I will never forget you.
While that was going on, Cullen attempts to work with his new partner Risoli. She happened to know a former member who has plenty of information about the cult, known as The Collective. Unfortunately, she refused to take him to the contact until he helps her find her pet possum. Risoli has a more prominent role here after being introduced briefly in the last episode. While I respect Jillian Bell for her voice performance as Risoli, her character’s first impression on screen was pretty weak, if not a tad bit annoying. The fact that she couldn’t tell which possum is hers made me wonder if she’ll continue to be a thorn on Cullen’s back for the rest of the season.
Then we have the Dirk and Sue segments, which has Dirk being nervous about whether the tour is part of the cult’s “test”. In the end, they found out that the tour is just a tour and that the cult’s leader Terry is the only person who makes the final decision. These segments were a step down from the first episode humor-wise, but it did raise some questions as to why only Sue is requested to meet Terry and not both her and Dirk.
The “Brother Eduardo” episode started off the cult investigation on a rough note. The comedy felt rusty for the most part, and the animation can still be a pain to sit through. However, it still offered some tolerable conversations between the three groups of characters. We can only hope that the mystery can get more interesting once Cullen and Risoli get the former cult member to spill the beans.