English Dub Review: Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear “Bear, Goes to Royal Capital”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

Yuna arrives to escort Noa to Royal Capital, with Fina in tow. Nervous, Fina bites her tongue while introducing herself to the noble family. Noa dramatically calls dibs on riding the bear.

Once on their way, Noa apologizes for her outburst. Yuna notes that she and Fina seem to be getting along well. After Yuna has to fight some wolves in their path, Noa is distraught that Fina is close friends with Yuna, and declares her her “bear rival”.

They set up for the night in a “travel sized” bear house, and Yuna prepares some of her signature dish for dinner: hamburg steak. Fina asks if she can teach her to make it, and not wanting to be left out, Noa requests the same. Yuna agrees, and says she’ll teach them when they get back to town.

The next day, Yuna saves some travelers from monsters. They turn out to be Gran Farrengram and his granddaughter, Misana, one of Noa’s friends.

Yuna isn’t thrilled at Gran’s request to travel together, but leaves the decision up to Noa. After stressing about not being able to use the bear house around other people, Noa opts to travel with the Farrengrams.

We’re treated to a pleasant travel montage showing the group’s journey together.

When they arrive at Royal Capital, onlookers are shocked by Yuna’s bear suit and steeds. She dryly remarks that she hasn’t gotten that reaction in a while.

The Farrengrams take their leave, and Noa offers to show Yuna and Fina around. Just then, her mother, Ellalaura Foschurose, runs to greet them. She’s shocked by Yuna’s bear suit, while Yuna is shocked by Ellalaura’s youth.

Yuna delivers the sword of the Goblin King, and a letter.

Noa’s big sister, Shia arrives home and is shocked by her sister and mother on Kumayuru and Kumakyuu. Shia says she can’t take Yuna seriously in a bear suit. Ellelaura proposes a test, and Shia and Yuna face off with wooden swords. Yuna handily defeats her. They celebrate with pudding.

Yuna and Fina explore the capital, and prepare for the King’s birthday celebration.

Our take:

Yuna’s dry “this is un-bear-lievable” comment wins this episode. But AmaLee’s dramatic declarations of rivalry as Noa are also pretty hilarious.

Overall, this episode is solidly focused on travel and food. Yuna jaunting around buying cheese and potatoes (apparently not well known in Royal Capital) to make hamburgers and fries *may* have influenced my lunch choice for the day.

The introduction of the rest of the Foschurose family is as dramatic as can be expected, particularly Shia. The similarities in Ellelaura and her daughters chowing down on pudding is a fun touch to reinforce the similarities within the family, in addition to the visual aspect.

While I wasn’t able to track down the English voices for Misana, Ellelaura, or Shia at this point, but they all have distinct performances that enhance their presentation and interactions. Hopefully their VAs will step forward after this introductory episode so we can credit them properly.

One thing that I’m constantly impressed by in this series is the level of detail that goes into the character designs. Sure, anime tends to lean towards dramatic hair, sparkly eyes, and impractical outfits, but it simplifies things when necessary. Maintaining full frills and flaps on Ellelaura’s outfit while she runs, and Shia while she fights is extra impressive.

The sparkly background for Kumayuru and Kumakyuu’s dancing, along with Noa’s frantic arm motions, are also worth note for their fluidity.

Overall, a fun and lighthearted episode that left me craving burgers, pizza, and the finer things in life (a fluffy bed!) The menacing monsters and villainous grin at the very end of the episode seems to hint at something more sinister in the near future. A mass attack, or possibly even an assassination plot against the king? Only time will tell.