Review: The Loud House “Season’s Cheating/A Flipmas Carol”


“Season’s Cheating”
Lincoln tries to rig the family gift swap and ends up learning a valuable lesson.

A Flipmas Carol”

Then, a Scrooge-like Flip is visited by three ghosts in a unique and comical take on “A Christmas Carol.”

Our Take

“Season’s Cheating” has the closest thing to some elaborate and complex storytelling even if it shows the under-handed nature of Lincoln’s obsession of his attempt to make the best possible gift for himself a reality, though I do find it funny that the longest-running joke being that Lincoln often screaming and beating the interior of the family car in frustration, but at the end of the day while the episode ended on sort-of a bittersweet note, It still captures the essence of Christmas with a cute but amusing ending.

As for the latter episode, it excels at doing its own spin on the timeless Charles Dickens classic with Mr. Flip pretty much becoming the “Scrooge” of this story. It also gets the point across explaining what made him such a swindling jerk in his youth while the Ghosts themselves basically take the form of pre-existing characters that make sense to how they’d fit into the “three ghosts” archetypes.

Overall, another passable The Loud House holiday special that surprisingly captured the holiday spirit like their two previous specials before them.