English Dub Review: Noblesse “Spiderweb/Long Fall”


The Union’s Elite team lead by DA-5 has captured M-21, but he sees this as a chance to search for information on his old comrades. When things don’t go as he had expected with M-21, a Union Henchman by the name of “Shark” begins to search for a new target. Meanwhile, Tashiro and Seira encounter Takio on the street and notice he’s in trouble, and Kase is surprised to find himself hitting it off with Tao, the one he’d gotten into a hacking battle with.

Our Take

Another slow-paced episode with the usual structure of character background sprinkled in with some fight scenes towards the end. The Takeo, Shinwoo, Seira, and glasses boy, Tao interactions were fun. Takeo and Tao learning to open up to the friendly high school students, just like M-21, is always nice to see.  The battle between Regis and Shark was pretty good even if Regis was way stronger like we saw.

At least I can also say that the plot seems to be getting somewhere, just not sure where to yet. I’m curious if the show’s end-goal itself. Although it seems soon there will be a big brawl between all the characters when Seira, Frankenstein, and Raziel go and look for their captured friends. Does it also feel like it could build up to the possibility of the Union luring  Raizel out? But the real question would be Why if M-21 is their target?

I guess next episode we finally we could potentially see more action between Union and Raizel, Frankenstein and Seira. Also, it’s clear that M-21 is in deep shit moreso than before than just going along with DA-5’s whims of delving into the Union’s valuable information out of desperation, at least for Shark who wants to kill the protagonists. It’s nice to also see the story shape up, but I do hope something else happens next episode.