English Dub Review: Noblesse “Great Power / Raizel”


Frankenstein’s battle with Takio and Seira’s battle with Hammer progressively grows more intense.  Tao tries to keep Tashiro and Kase out of the conflict, but their leader, Crans, enacts an unbelievably brutal plan in order to win. Meanwhile, Raizel reaches M-21 and after 6 episodes of waiting, we get to see how much of a badass Raizel is when he takes on Crans…

Our Take

This was definitely one of the best episodes of this season so far. The fight scenes were good and Raizel was finally the main focus. He probably talked more in this one episode than in all the previous episodes combined. Not to mention this was packed full of action and badass moments for the other characters as well.

The second-half was a mix of sad and dramatic scenes. Especially with the character Takeo, but it’s weird that they revealed some big twist involving his “sister”, But it made me smile when Frankie in a weird way acknowledged M-21 as “family”.

Overall, while we finally get some long-awaited things to happen after 6 episodes in, I hope the story doesn’t drag with directionless fillers and has a point to the aftermath of what’s happened. Most of the characters struggle to be compelling, but the only ones I kinda like so far are Raizel and M-21. Their “family” size increased by two and it’s only going to get even bigger from here on out.