Review: Our Cartoon President “Closing Arguments”


As Trump attempts to feel and then unfeel empathy for his supporters and children in order to make up for his tanking polls, Biden tries to consolidate a clear message for voters to get behind. Anyway MAKE SURE TO DROP YOUR BALLOT OFF, IT’S TOO LATE TO MAIL IT IN. VOOOOOOOTE.


I can’t help but feel some Déjà vu in this moment, though not just in the sense that Trump seems sure to lose based on polling but could come up with some sort of last minute turn around at the moment of truth. No, what this episode reminds me of is what South Park was dealing with right before Election Day, as the creators felt certain as many of us did about Hilary being very likely to win and no one really taking into account the possibility of a Trump winning. As such, we cut to my one of my biggest difficulties in covering this show, mainly that it is dependent on waiting for this exact upcoming result to really commit to any character development or theme or anything. If Cartoon Trump loses, it’s because of all of his antics and short-sightedness finally caught up to him, and if Cartoon Biden loses, it’s because his senility and inability to stay on message. Clearly they don’t have one character written to be more likely to win than the other, just to be safe, but that means we have to wait for something in the real world to happen before they can ret-con that one set of oafish buffoonery was always meant to be more damning than the other.

Now, we wait for both Election Day to really tell me what I have to hazard a guess as to how we are supposed to feel both about this episode or the season finale next week and then I have to wonder if they have a next season planned at all, whether they simply believe that strongly that Trump will lose here or that they just wrap things up out of sheer loss of hope. I really don’t know what to expect with this show any more than I do for Tuesday, which scares me to no end. And so, since this an election dependent based episode and series, I guess I should take the time to let whoever is reading this (assuming they live in America, are legally able to vote, and haven’t voted yet) to vote. You’ve probably heard ad-nauseum the importance of voting in general, let alone in this one specific election, so I may not be saying anything new here, but I still implore you to make your voice heard at the ballot box before Tuesday. Unless you wanna stand in those long lines, in which case make sure you bring some reading material and a charged phone. VOTE!