Review: Ducktales “The Split Sword of Swanstantine!”


While in a middle-eastern country, Scrooge fights the F.O.W.L. member Black Heron while the kids pair off to find the missing pieces of a mystical sword hidden throughout a marketplace in a race against time to keep them out of the hands of the other F.O.W.L. members.

Our Take

This was quite a fun episode as much of it was primarily focused on the kids more than Scrooge himself. Webby and her friends Violet & Lena along with the three brothers are split into pairs as they take on F.O.W.L. Agents while Scrooge takes on Black Heron during their quest for the sword pieces. Louie & Violet against Rockerduck, Webby and Dewey vs Gandra Dee and Huey and Lena Vs Steel-Beak as all three are on a quest to find three pieces of a magical sword with the only catch is that it has to be found through the power of “inner strength”.

The twists themselves of what defines each of their inner-strength was easily the entertaining part of this episode along with the character interactions of the pairings and their personal arcs of how they respond to various situations. With each of them learning more about themselves in the process during their quest.

Overall, a good episode yet the ending raises many questions that I hope are answered in future episodes.