English Dub Review: The Misfit of Demon King Academy “May the World Be Full of Love”


Anos and Lay begin their final battle, with Anos laying waste to nearly all seven of Lay’s sources, but decides to grant him the killing blow and wears the Avos mask in order to get the potential war to stop (not taking into account that people might think it’s weird that their leader just suddenly changed voices) by telling the demon race to not take vengeance until he comes back. Things calm down for a second, but Derga, Kanon’s right hand man who killed him, re-emerges in order to try and take control of everything himself. Neither lay, nor the combined form of Misha and Sasha can fully stop him…so Anos comes right back to life and kills him with Lay’s help. The fighting ends once and for all and Anos is recognized as the true Demon King, which somehow does not start the war up all over again. Also Eleonore now loves Anos and her magic is controlled by him. The end.

Well, this show ends in a way only it could, by making Anos look the coolest even after letting himself be killed, then letting everyone else try and fail just to come back and show how cool he is, then get another lady added to his harem as an afterthought. Wow, what a compelling character who never had to grow a single iota and was always in control of the entire situation all the time and never really had to struggle once. Truly this is the epitome of storytelling, not all that character arc and development shit. We gotta have the main character only be the only one who can possibly contribute to any given situation and that everyone who opposes him is either lying or always in the wrong. That’s just how it works! I mean what, are you really expecting us to actually add some legitimate tension to the climax of the series? Put Anos on the ropes and maybe have him start to rely on the connections he’s made over the course of the season in order to defeat the final boss? Are you an idiot? He’s the audience wish fulfillment character, he can’t screw up EVER! We can’t have people watching think that actually needing to learn from failure is a good lesson! Then they’ll stop buying our body pillows!

Honestly, I had a bit of a glimmer of hope for a second there when Anos was “dead”, mainly in how this might be the chance for him to truly let go of his iron grip on the plot and let his friends show how much he inspired them to do great things and control the situation in his absence. Silly me, as he didn’t even wait five minutes before showing back up and easily defeating the one-dimensional bad guy whose main power seemed to be incredibly conspicuous cheap animation. Also doesn’t make it any less noticeable that this hijacked the end of the real story as the whole business with Eleonore and the Zeshias is pretty much forgotten until the end, were Anos just says “you’re mine now” and she immediately tells him he loves him…despite only knowing him for a collective five minutes. But search me for a reason to give a crap anymore because this series is finally done and has no reason to ever come back. Though for old time’s sake, let’s just beat it to death one more time in a Season Review.