Review: Spitting Image (2020) “Election Special”

Overview (Recap of Sketches)

Donald Trump

After a super spreader event, Donald decides to ask Jared to help him personally count votes and throw out all of the ones voting Democrat in an attempt to steal the election and thwart election fraud. Prince Harry is found as an illegal foreign voter but when Donald finds out he voted for Trump, he makes him a citizen. As Donald gets ready for bed after the first half hour, he throws some plugs in for Britbox. Mitch McConnell takes part in a meeting where Donald needs to figure out how he can get out of jail after he loses the election. The cure is to get a bunch of corrupt Republican judges in before he leaves. Melania soon produces a PSA for Christmas which turns into a beg for help to make sure her husband doesn’t get reelected.




Joe Biden

Boris wants to discuss a trade that features Adele with Joe, but soon the Democratic nominee hits the campaign trail so as to get as many votes as possible. His travels get him a job at a local diner which angers his supporters because he’s a really good cook. Soon, the diner gets packed with celebs and Joe goes nuts cooking and blows up the place.



Elon Musk/Jeff Bezos/Richard Brandson

The richest people in the world are talking shit about who is going to get to Mars first and make a bet on who will achieve this first. All three get there at the same time, but everyone’s ships have crashed and there’s no way back, so it’s a battle to see who can rule Mars. The trio opts to work together when they realize money doesn’t buy shit on a planet that doesn’t have anything. They soon have to take pages out of The Martian to survive, and the results are as expected, short.



Other Sketches

Keir Stamir/FOX Man, Punch in the Face, Boris, X-Mas song, Mark Zuckerberg VS Congress, Putin, James Bond Auditions, Angela Merkel, Prince Harry,/Markle, Greta Thunberg

Best Sketch


Worst Sketch

Angela Merkel