Review: Big Hero 6 “Cobra and Mongoose/Better Off Fred”


“Cobra and Mongoose”

After Fred is attacked by mechanical cobras, he learns that they were actually sent after his Butler Heathcliff due to a shocking past that he’s never told Fred about until now…

“Better Off Fred”

Fred meets the girl of his dreams, Olivia, only to be rejected by her for reasons he doesn’t understand and goes to the last person for help in trying to hook up with her… His Douchey Rival, Mole Richardson.

Our Take

Both episodes seemed quite Fred-Focused, but the Former episode itself feels more focused on his longtime Butler Heathcliff. In terms of pacing and character lore, we learn a bit about Heathcliff’s past and how he became part of Fred’s family as it was previously established that Fred’s father was a Superhero who teamed up with him during a big event in Heathcliff’s life. We even see another side of Heathcliff that’s quite unexpected and gives off some “Kingsman” vibes but in a good way.

As for the ladder episode, Fred meets a girl named Olivia that for some reason just can’t quite figure out when she turns him down on a date. Of course, the twist to why begins to slowly make sense when Fred begrudgingly asks Mole to give him a “makeover” despite Honey Lemon finding this objectionable and tries to convey with Fred the whole “be yourself” message. We do see a brief return of Supersonic Sue (Jane Lynch) and the performance of his Grandson Supersonic Stu (Timothy Simons) which easily gave me a good laugh as an overgrown man-child trying to do his Supervillain grandmother proud in a Solo-Heist.

Overall, these were decent episodes where we get to see different sides of Fred Fredrickson as a character which were both entertaining and fun in equal measure.