Review: Big Hero Six “Mayor for a Day/The Dog Craze of Summer”


“Mayor for a Day”

Big Hero 6 responds to Richardson Mole’s every whim when he is made mayor for the day much to Fred’s annoyance of the short jerk.

“The Dog Craze of Summer” 

Hiro enlists the help of his team when Professor Granville’s (Jenifer Lewis) three dogs go missing while under his watch and comedic hijinx ensues.

Our Take

The former episode “Mayor for a Day” mostly delivered in laughs and hijinx as Richardson Mole (Sean Giambrone) who wins the “Mayor for a Day” award primarily abuses his role as Mayor, but the story doesn’t really pick up until we see Supersonic Sue (Jane Lynch) comes into the plot, as Fred can only tolerate so much bullshit from his calls. However, the story does manage to resolve itself even if the ending felt a bit rushed with a small Stan Lee Tribute at the end.

As for “The Dog Craze of Summer” It felt a bit forced with Hiro’s situation in dog-sitting as his mother really didn’t have to take away the videogames he had on-hand just to encourage “real work experience” I know he’s a teenager but has she forgotten that her own son is also a fucking superhero? At least the money-offer sounds like a substantial amount for Hiro to be motivated enough later on. Of course like most by-the-numbers animal-sitting stories you’d expect from a situational comedy. It’s predictable & cliche in combination with a running gag where the answer to Hiro’s particular problem is right in front of his face with Baymax straight-up waving it to him through most of the episode with a joke heavily focused on at Hiro’s comedy of errors in the end.