English Dub Review: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind: “The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part 2″

Overview (Spoilers Below)

During the course of their Freaky Friday situation, Bruno (who is revealed to be in Diavolo’s body) has seemingly taken out Chariot Requiem and severed his arm using his Zipper-Man Stand. However, the team soon discovers that when they try to attempt to retrieve the arrow, Chariot Requiem has the ability to turn their Stands against them. Thus, Chariot Requiem is free to take back his arm and the Arrow and just walk away.

As Bruno orders Guido to shoot his still-unconscious body, assuming it’s possessed by Diavolo, you’d think this would be a much shorter episode. However, shortly afterward they experience time erasure during which Diavolo used his Emperor Crimson to do something incredibly brutal & shocking to one of Bruno’s members. Although Giorno makes an effort to fix this problem, It’s not without consequences as the stakes have now been raised even higher…

For his part, Polnareff deduces that Diavolo and Doppio are split personalities that run much deeper than just something in the human psyche, as only the Doppio soul must be inside Bruno’s body while Diavolo’s soul is inside someone else’s. Bruno also suspects that Diavolo’s recent actions were done in an effort to remain undetected. As the group attempt to chase after Chariot Requiem, Bruno trips the Stand, which drops the arrow and walks on without it. Polnareff despite being stuck in a turtle’s body and no longer being a Stand user, is able to grab it without being attacked back. But the episode ends on a suspenseful note when Chariot Requiem runs towards the turtle.

Our Take

While the proceedings excelled with the suspense, atmosphere, and horror, the brutal twist itself of a certain character death made things all the more tragic with a recent reveal that even caught me off guard. I’ll probably go more into it in a future episode review, but it’s quite an unexpected turn that even I didn’t know would happen. I also gotta ask and this is more of a weird observation but what’s up with villains being in possession of another body in nearly every Jojo storyline?

In Stardust Crusaders Dio stole Jonathan’s body, in Diamond is Unbreakable, Kira stole someone’s face (body?) Now Diavolo/Doppio are in two separate as well? It makes you wonder about the thought process in Hikohiro Araki’s mind when it comes to body possession. But to me, the other biggest plot-hole aside from an unexpected character death is why couldn’t Diavolo just kill Bruno’s entire gang in one swoop instead of just one at a time? Or does his Emperor Crimson Stand have limitations or a cooldown period before he can time-skip again?

Above all, I’m still left wondering what will happen next. But predictably, we all know Bruno’s number is up more than ever since once they switch bodies back, Giorno will have to act fast to heal what’s left of him while also avoiding the terrors of Diavolo and the Chariot Requiem Stant that’s managed to gain full autonomy which not even Polnareff exexpected it to have after full exposure to the Stand Arrow.