Kenny Cash Releases iLL Opera His Innovative Animated Music Experience


iLL Opera, derived from ‘illustrated opera’, is the latest creation of Music Producer Kenny Cash. The animated project combines aspects of political and social commentary and offers a unique perspective on today’s landscape.

The story is set in a divided time when only the most sensational acts are acknowledged. An introverted man is looking for the attention of a beautiful woman who he finds mesmerizing, but he must sacrifice every virtue and a good part of himself for her to see him.

Chapter 4, titled “White Jesus”, is the art pop/cyberpunk inspired song, and is one of the most important pieces of the opera. One of the main underlying tones of the project is that saying or doing something sensational garners attention and a lot of the time negativity gets rewarded. The accompanying song represents the ultra ego that can live inside of all of us. The fact that man makes god into his own image is probably one of the most egotistical things we can do.

Watch Chapter 4: “White Jesus” now:

To see the previous 3 Chapters, check out Ovation online or on TV:

Asked where he got the title for the song, Kenny says, “It actually came about when a close friend of mine (DJ Connect) came to my studio. I guess I was wearing all white and he said, “Kenny Cash, looking like a white Jesus!” There were other people in the room and we all thought it was hilarious and I was like I gotta make a song.”

As co-owner of Factory Underground Studio in Norwalk, CT, Cash has worked with a diverse clientele over the past ten years, including rap legend Rakim, Sid Wilson (Slipknot), multi-Grammy Award winning Jose Feliciano, jamband Goose, and Jethro Tull guitarist Martin Barre.  He has scored award winning films (ADAM) and, as ½ of husband/wife duo, Che-val, he has licensed music to popular television shows and composed for international brands such as Datto.

For More on Kenny Cash and iLL Opera, visit: