The Video Games Most In Need Of Getting An Animated Series Adaptation


It’s fair to say that the majority of racing games out there don’t have that deep of a story behind them. ­F-Zero is no exception and it’s a racer that specializes in ultra-fast speeds and fantastical tracks. That being said, sometimes a stunning visual spectacle is all that you want from an animated series. Takeshi Koike has been involved with many impressive animated projects, but Redline is perhaps his most notable and insane feature film. Appropriately enough, it’s a movie that centers around an intergalactic race and it features eye-popping animation that makes the Wachowskis’ Speed Racer look like a boring, drab experience. Accordingly, Koike applying the same treatment to F-Zero is almost too easy of a combination and it could help give the series a major boost in visibility. ­F-Zero’s bright color palette and silly characters feel the most appropriate for Koike and the most entertaining to watch, but Koike turning other racers like Twisted Metal or even Mario Kart into a series would also be a ton of fun.