Review: Momma Named Me Sheriff “Chili Snakes” ; “Finale”


Overview (Spoilers Below)

Chili Snakes

This week’s two-parter begins with a clip show of Momma Named Me Sheriff only it’s a bunch of episodes that never actually happened and instead are just the whims of the crazy Dispatch who has a sick mind.


The finale actually happens. When the President has a sleepover with the Sheriff, the Vice President uses the opportunity to unleash all hell on Old Town in an attempt to kill him so as to take over the country. Sheriff’s sister Candy gets hitched in the process, but do we now have space cats to worry about? Is there a canine hero out there that can help save the town from possible enslavement?

Our Take

Aaaand that’s a wrap folks! Momma Named Me Sheriff completes its first season with all of the mangled elements that writers Dave Stewart, Sean Conroy, and Will Carsola could come up with and pretty much everything works. Both episodes were a special brand of acid trip that are thoroughly enjoyable and proves that these guys are far from being spent of batshit ideas that are wildly imaginative and delicious and everything I want. We’ll get into more detail as to whether or not i will every truly be over Mr. Pickles, but if that finale becomes an interlude for a potential future for the show then I’m going to sign anywhere I have to with any secretion that’s being asked of me.

It’s tough for me to go into that much in detail without spoiling a lot of what really should be viewed. So, just trust me when I say this season finale is a good one and should be mandated watching.