Bubbleblabber’s Definitive Ten Best Adult Animated Series Of 2019

1) Undone

Courtesy: Amazon

Looking around at how this show is being received, the majority of viewers and critics are swooned by the beautiful animation and storytelling. And rightly so. This is not just blind entertainment. Undone is one of those shows that get your mind thinking, takes on serious topics, and expands our universal consciousness. It is a series that we will be thinking about for years to come, and should be referenced as one of the greatest examples of how to approach mental health in modern media. Shows like this only come around once in a decade. This masterpiece demands to be watched by as many people as possible. Watch it and recommend it to everyone, even those friends that are so sick of you recommending things and never watch anything you say. Tell them Undone is a series that they cannot afford to miss out on, it’s not just brainless entertainment, it is the art that can impact the way that they look at the world and interact with the people in it.