Review: Bigfoot “Trashed”


Bigfoot recounts to group of teens about his crippling trash addiction, how he met Warren the Woodpecker, and how they stumbled onto a rich dinner party that led Warren down a path of debauchery that led to some…crazy choices.


Huh, so we’re really going all in on Warren, huh? And the next episode looks like it’ll be featuring him prominently too. Besides the odd detail that we still seem have animal characters who can very clearly speak English while others like Warren…just don’t for some reason, it does look like they are putting a lot into developing Warren as an important character. He’s a close friend to Bigfoot who has been through the lowest of the lows with him, so they have a very strong personal bond. But another key detail looks to be that Warren is a surprisingly charismatic figure when he wants to be. We got a bit of that last episode when he got the whole town to manipulate Bigfoot into getting over his fear of balloons, but this time we got a darker side of this power. Warren was able to basically take over the social club and then, when he was kicked out of that, amass an army of birds to follow his commands at will. Basically what I am getting at is that if we were to set up a fitting antagonist for the end of this season, Warren’s looking like the best candidate at the moment. Not sure how we’d get there, but I see the path emerging.

Otherwise…yeah, seems that we are narrowing pretty squarely on Bigfoot and Warren right now. Not that I particularly mind, since the supporting cast for this is pretty forgettable and everything and it is nice to see someone who is actually on Bigfoot’s side (who isn’t just some useless kid). But I do wonder if this episode, being mostly in flashback, might help us understand a bit more about Bigfoot’s own ostensible fall from grace. I don’t remember if that rich party was in Swell, but going from being able to hold those to being a desperate tourist trap does seem like quite the downturn for the place. And how does Warren fit into that beyond what we know? What plans does Warren have which we are currently unaware of? How does his half-bird progeny fit into this? Or his blond and bitchy ex-lover? Suddenly we’re getting so many pieces that I don’t know how to sort out and I am also suddenly quite intrigued as to where Bigfoot as a series might go in its final third of the season. Yep, just four episodes left, so hang on to your peckers.