English Dub Review: To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts “The King of the Beasts”


Overview (Spoilers Below):

Cain invites Hank to a mansion party.

Our Take:

Cain has set up a banquet at the former mansion of a rich couple (that he murdered) and reveals part of his plan: to recreate conflict and give his brethren peace.

As the night goes on, more of his true feelings are revealed. While Elaine and Hank both believed similar things, that the Incarnates have to die while they’re still human and haven’t been taken over by their more monstrous halves, Cain feels differently. Cain, in fact, doesn’t want to die and doesn’t see their deaths as noble. If they were made as such, why should they have to be punished because the technology that turned them into monsters was incomplete? Why should they have to suffer and die just because of that? In that sense, he isn’t entirely wrong. Heroic sacrifice isn’t as easy as people make it sound, especially to those who survived a war, only to face death afterward.

Where Cain goes off the tracks is when he reveals that what he actually wants to do is restart the war, because the Incarnates thrive best on the battlefield. They can reign there, and become divine through combat, essentially. In order to do that, he has gathered up several of his old compatriots and tricked the fallen nobles into believing that he’s on their side. What he wants isn’t peace for the Incarnates, but a place for them– and he believes that place is only on the battlefield.

We also realize what kind of Incarnate Cain is– a vampire. This, of course, means that it’s a lot harder to kill him, as most of the military’s weaponry doesn’t work on him. Hank’s spear, even if it explodes, doesn’t harm him, as he can just regenerate himself. What would harm him then, if he’s nigh-invincible? Perhaps the bullet, as his physical form is still attacked beforehand, and the bullet would prevent him from regenerating, but the finished product is in his hands instead…

Schall is used as bait to bring Hank in, and Cain shoots her to make Hank go berserk. Indeed he does, reverting to full werewolf, and rampaging throughout the town. It shows that even Hank isn’t above his Incarnate instincts, and it will be very hard to revert him, if at all possible. Schall is definitely not dead, as she is the protagonist, but I wonder how they will end up saving her. She seems to be the only one that can stop Hank’s rampage, but how…