Review: We Bare Bears “The Mummy’s Curse”


Overview (Spoilers Below)

The baby bears find a mummy laying on the side of the desert road and decide to bring it to a tomb so as to put the body to peace. We come to find out that the mummy is, in fact, a movie prop and the production staff meets the trio at a museum to retrieve their property. The producers reward the bears with a free movie with snacks.

Our Take

If you don’t think this writing staff is on some sort of MDMA, I forward you to the scene featuring the bears propping up a lifeless body with sunglasses as it talks to a police officer. The police officer and the mummy proceed to take off their glasses to reveal matching Disney eyes before the cop drives off. What…the…hell? It’s the little things this series does that color me the most impressed. The ending was silly, and I’m totally ok with new Bears episodes every Monday till the day I die. No other animated series, save for South Park and The Simpsons, does a better job of digging deep in coming up with a litany of characters that can be used and that’s what we get with the likes of Tabes, Charlie, the baby bears, and a bunch of others. This show certainly is not cursed.