We Pick Five Episodes of Harvey Birdman That Are Still Relevant Today

5) Season 3, Episode 7: “Evolutionary War”


What this was about:
Captain Caveman takes issue with how the school his son goes to doesn’t teach evolution, so he goes to court to get that changed. A long argument is made about the odd placement of wherever a lot of these talking animal characters fit into evolution or how it might fit into a divine plan, but it is ultimately decided that the school can teach whatever they want.

How it relates now:
While the theory of evolution seems to be a lot more accepted in mainstream circles than it was back then, suppression of knowledge to obtain a certain agenda is still alive and well. While we currently have access to near infinite fountains of new information thanks to the Internet, there are still ways that certain things are kept less available to those who are unaware, impeding their ability to think critically without all of the information necessary. Even worse, some don’t even want to know what might contradict their view of the world that they’ve constructed. In reality, it is important to look for multiple sources of knowledge on a subject in order to be as informed as you possibly can.

Except when it comes to cartoon reviews. Then you should ONLY come here.