Review: Red vs Blue “It Just Winked At Me”

Like Odysseus.


When Atlas’ powers don’t work, he summons a cyclops to crush Tucker and Sis instead.

Our Take:

What we do learn is that no matter how powerful King Atlas is, he’s unable to use his massive power to directly harm the heroes. It isn’t that he can’t destroy the surrounding area, as he clearly can, but whatever sort of magic or abilities he has is unable to do anything but scratch the group. While we just see this in action with Tucker and Sis, it’s a good guess to say that this will apply to everyone else. More so, King Atlas seems to have been aware of this, likely as per the prophecy, but he had its doubts as to whether that was true. While it was true, all this means is that Atlas’ powers have no effect- not that his subordinates or pawns can’t attack the party in his place. This also means that if a face to face confrontation ever happened, Atlas wouldn’t have a way to defend himself if he had nobody else helping him. This is a vital weak point, and explains why he wants to get rid of the group to secure his power.

He ends up using a proxy instead, in the form of a hilariously out of place cyclops. The cyclops’ graphics don’t match the Halo graphics, so it looks completely different than the background. It’s bigger, and while not intelligent, is quite dangerous. It could flatten Tucker in an instant if he’s not careful. The fact that Atlas can summon beings from other dimensions is a symbol of his strength, which means that there’s more like that on the horizon.

The fight with Atlas’ cyclops aside, this episode is another episode in how much Tucker and Sis’ plotline is lacking. Most of the jokes are sex jokes and while that’s fine, it tends to get old. Granted, sex jokes are the entire basis of Sis’ personality, but an episode can’t survive off only sex jokes. The more that Tucker and Sis’ plotline branches out and doesn’t stay constrained to just those too, the episodes are bound to be dull.

The episode ends off on what the season preview showcased, with the two knights. The portal that opened up behind them belonged to Sis and Tucker, and they’re stuck in medieval times now. It doesn’t make much of a difference when the enemy can chase them across space and time, but now a new adventure is ahead.
