Review: Mighty Magiswords “Taming of the Swords”

Settle down.

Overview (Possible Spoilers Below)

The warrior siblings attempt to tame two of their most problematic Magiswords, the loud & demanding “Taunting Jester” and the animalistic carnivorous plant, with the help of their expert Magiswordsmith Mother, Kablammica.

Our Take

While much of the episode is devoted to how annoying & destructive these two Magiswords are as the title implies, these two are clearly too sentient to the point that they don’t really do anything beneficial for the Warrior-Siblings, with the Taunting Jester Magisword speaking like a loud & angry drill-sergeant, while the Carnivorous plant Magisword behaves like a monstrous plant who design-wise reminds me of the Audrey II creature from Little Shop of Horrors, with a small Alien reference thrown in.

When they eventually come to their mother for help, there is a small charming musical number that feels Mary Poppins-Inspired that helps make something as taming two sentient unruly swords so damn whimsical, but The Taunting Jester Magisword’s scenes where he breaks the fourth wall had its comedic moments.

Near the end of the episode when they’re sent on a mission by the sleazy Magisword Salesman Ralphio, a twist occurs where Prohayas’s Evil twin almost makes things worse for the two, but everything they learn during the course of the episode begins to play a larger role when they put what they learned from their Mother “Kablammica” to good use, up until the comedic ending that leaves the two extremely frustrated.

Above all, “Taming of the Swords” excels the most when much of the humor is very character-driven. The song didn’t overstay it’s welcome, but it’s clear the writers knew what they were doing as the story progressed. I’m curious if we’ll ever see these two specific swords again, but it whether or not the writers will remember or touch upon them in later episodes remains uncertain.
