English Dub Review: Dragon Ball Super ”The God With the Invincible Body: The Advent of Zamasu“

-Insert “God Mode” Jokes here-

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks are faced with an extreme disadvantage because even after using Super Saiyan Blue as their trump-card, They’re outmatched and left even more confused that Zamasu has shown up revealing that both he and Goku Black are technically two separate people despite previous clues hinting otherwise. According to Zamasu, they are just “two comrades on a righteous crusade” With Zamasu still being the misanthropic dipshit that he is. But of course, Future Trunks finds the courage to step up and fight with Goku with Future Trunks going against Zamasu while Goku takes on his evil double.

Zamasu appears to be quite skilled compared to Trunks, Even after stabbing him with his sword followed by blasting his ass with a “Final Flash” attack, Zamasu strangely enough, heals itself like he’s Deadpool. It’s also worth mentioning the fight scenes are some of the most well animated and intense but makes sure they’re easy to follow despite this being a “2 on 2” match. Goku isn’t having a good time either as both he and Trunks tried their best. The two of them are helpless as Black prepares to fire off a Kamehameha. The blasts hit them, although they’re not dead yet. The two of them are weakened and it looks like the fight will be over soon.

Just as things seem decidedly bleak, Vegeta miraculously regains consciousness long enough and saves both their asses by causing a distraction while Yabirobe comes to the aid of Goku and Trunks by carrying them to safety Afterwards, while the resistance fighters led by Mai manage to get Vegeta to safety. Knowing they have better resources to help them recuperate in Goku’s present time, Mai sends Future Trunks, Goku and Vegeta back to the past as they need to rethink their strategy. But Zamasu, of course, isn’t worried about them running away as he knows they’ll be back. We then cut to the present day versions of Zamasu and Gowasu back at Universe 10 as they watch a recording of Goku’s battle with Hit during the “Tournament of Power” Arc using a magical TV called “God-Tube”. It’s here where Zamasu is left bewildered that such a mortal like Goku could attain “divine power” but then his curiosity is piqued upon discovering what Super Dragonballs are and the episode ends on an unsettling note when Zamasu aggressively invades Zuno’s place demanding more info about the Super Dragon Balls.

Our Take

Amazing episode. While part of me kinda expected that Vegeta wouldn’t go down so easily, Mai’s freedom fighters showing up was a surprise. Good to know that despite all their powers, the two genocidal maniacs seem vulnerable to tear gas. With how the episode ended, It’s easy to assume that this is moment Zamasu learned about the Super Dragonballs and at some point, later on, attained immortality. But now I’m left with even more questions than answers regarding who Black is supposed to be.

The 2 on 2 battle was quite impressive from an animation standpoint, but When Trunks went through Zamasu with his sword, it could’ve been an effectively shocking scene, if not for the episode’s title ruining the big twist regarding Future Zamasu. but above all, I’m still hooked enough to find out what happens next!
