Outlaw Star Makes Toonami History After 17 Years

On February 24th at 2: 30 AM, Toonami made history by finally showing the infamous 23rd episode of Outlaw Star simply titled “Hot Springs Planet Tenrei”.


Our Take

In 2001, Toonami often skipped this episode during its original run, but after seeing both versions side by side, the only major edit the Adult Swim version made was a particular scene where the Cat-Girl character Aisha Clan Clan had her nipples digitally removed which is the only scene that had nudity in the entire episode.

It’s hard to believe It took 17 years to censor just one scene, but I’m at least happy to report that the rest of the episode remains untouched. The strangest part was the Twitter community taking notice of this, and yet nobody else talked about it, and It even trended at the number#1 spot as well.

As a longtime fan of this classic anime series back when the show first aired on Toonami years ago, seeing this episode alone finally added was long overdue, and despite the small edit that was made, It didn’t disappoint plot-wise.