Flashback Friday Review: Ralph Bakshi’s “Wizards”

Throwing all the way back to 1977, and the early days of adult animation, today we review Wizards.

Written, directed, and produced by arguably the most significant animator of all-time, Ralph Bakshi.  The unique sci-fi/fantasy film was moderately successful when released but, has since become a cult classic.

Wizards adapt many animated film techniques with an original Tolkien-esque style story.  The cast is full of the biggest names in voice acting in the late seventies including Bakshi himself, and a young Mark Hamill that wouldn’t become famous until a little film called Star Wars came out a few months later.


Thousands of years in the future after humanity has all but destroyed the planet; man has mutated leaving elves and fairies to banish all humanmade science and technology.  Millennia of peace reign until the birth of Blackwolf, who has discovered ancient relics that have taught him the ways of Nazi propaganda.  Blackwolf raises a destructive army and begins to take over neighboring lands.

Blackwolf’s rival and brother, Avatar, captures one of Blackwolf’s assassins and uses him to decipher the villain’s plans.  Joined by Weehawk, a powerful noble elf, and Elinore, a wizard in training, the party heads off to the war for Avatar to have his final faceoff against his brother.  It all ends with the ultimate battle between technology and magic.

Our Take:

There is nothing like Wizards.  The movie was one-of-a-kind when it was released, and it remains such over 40 years later.  The blended animation techniques, mixed with the highly fascinating landscapes and backdrops, make Wizards an unforgettable masterpiece.

The high stakes plot is timeless, though the narration and pacing move much slower than would fly in a modern film.  The humour is still there could use some more of the comic relief.  But, what truly makes Wizards memorable and iconic is the unique character designs that were put into every scene.

If Wizards were released today, with modern animation and storyboarding, it would be unlike anything that is being released.  The mind-blowing style mixed with a compelling story would be a blockbuster success.  That said, maybe it is time to bring back talk of a Wizards 2.
