Watch: FOX Passes On This Pilot Presentation For “The Mud Hogs”…Should It Be Picked Up?

Alright guys, play network exec for a minute.

Courtesy: FOX

Word has gotten out that FOX has passed on an animated series called The Mud Hogs. The series featured the likes of Thomas Lennon (Reno911) W. Earl Brown, Jamie Pressly, Toby Huss, Stephen Root, David Herman and Ashley Gardner as part of the cast and was directed by Brian Sheesely and written by J.B. Cook, Joe Boucher and Randy Kubaszak

Among the rolling hills of Arkansas lies the quaint town of Cloverdale, infamous for two things Americans love: football and underdogs. It’s a tradition the town wears with pride, even though the Cloverdale Mud Hogs have the longest losing streak in high school football, courtesy of “The Mud Hog Curse.”

Long-time football coach HARRY GLIDEWELL, 38, is a loving husband, father and the unlucky owner of “The Mud Hog Curse.” Harry was the quarterback of the Mud Hogs state championship team, which blew a halftime, 63-point lead that began the nineteen-season losing streak. Yet everyone acknowledges it’s not entirely Harry’s fault. Back when Harry and his teammates dominated the gridiron, the halftime highlight was LUCKY, their mascot pig, who would climb a twenty-foot ladder and dive into a barrel of mud. But during the ill-fated game, Lucky hammed it up, missed the barrel and expired on the fifty-yard line in front of a horrified crowd. The curse was born that very minute, and as Harry and the Mud Hogs unraveled in the second half, and its mystique grew stronger, and even stronger with each loss.

So week after week, the Mud Hogs’ faithful gather at the local watering hole, The Trough Bar & Grill, to repeat the famous refrain of die-hard sports fans everywhere, “There’s always the next game.”

You can check out a bunch of clips and artwork for the passed on series here, and let us know if you think this should be something picked up by someone else.

Our Take

If I’m a network that has football as part of its lineup, this is as easy a sell to the viewing public as you can get. Just ask the guys who made King of the Hill.