Watch: I Want To Kill By Dan Yadlin

Brooklyn-based animator Dan Yadlin has released a new stop-motion animated short called I Want To Kill.

The pilot episode stars James Adomian (Future-Worm), Amber Nelson (Guy Code, Netflix’s ‘Characters’) and Clark Jones (HBO’s ‘Crashing’) and you can watch it below.

Astronaut Robert Holeman is fed up with Suburbia, after years of desires going unrealized and confronting his privilege, boredom, and mortality he’s been nudged into a sort of suicidal/genocidal nihilism stoked by a steady diet of drugs. The violent fantasies, anger, and fear don’t belong to just Robert, but also to his neglected girlfriend and son. “i want to kill” is about catharsis and release. Anger unchecked leads to emptiness, but boy is it funny.

[h/t: Dreadcentral]