R-Rated Animated Series Tammy’s Tiny Tea Time to Premiere at Sundance

Could we have another Animals on our hands?

Production studio Cartuna is premiering an R-rated animated comedy series at Sundance Film Festival early next year. I’m told three episodes of a brand-new series called Tammy’s Tiny Tea Time will premiere and that seven episodes are currently in production.

The series is an animated comedy about a 42-year-old woman with the emotional capacity of a child who shrinks to the size of her toys and forces them to entertain her before introducing several animated shorts.
Tammy’s Tiny Tea Time is created and animated by art director Peter Gulsvig {(Archer (FX), The Awesomes (Hulu), Out There (IFC), Chozen (FX), and Ugly Americans (Comedy Central)} and is starring Rachel Butera (Golan) and Nate Corddry. The series is being written by Daniel Shepard & Diana McCorry and is being executive produced by Peter Gulsvig, Daniel Shepard, James Belfer & Adam Belfer. Tammy’s Tiny Tea Time is produced by Diana McCorry
This is Cartuna’s second Sundance premiere; in 2016, Cartuna debuted NUTS! which won a Sundance Special Jury Prize and was acquired by Amazon Studios.
Watch a trailer for the series here.