English Dub Review: Garo: The Vanishing Line “Scout”

Scout this week’s episode.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Pawn’s on the hunt for Sister’s children which is where Sophie is staying while Garo and Luke investigate a local shop as to the whereabouts of some of the chatroom users. Fortunately, everyone saves but knocked out, so Feilong has to help get everyone to safety.

Pawn shows up to the Katrina Home and she puts up an exhilarating fight with Sister, but then the Dark Knight, on behalf of the King of El Dorado, shows up and cleans house just in time for Luke and Garo to show up as we fade to black for next week.

Our Take

Most of the Vanishing Line episodes up until this point have been soaked in sugary syrup that causes the viewer to laugh and such, but this is the first time the series has turned a left and headed on to the “Seriousness Turnpike”. The battle scenes were uh-MAZING, especially between Sister and Pawn. How the producers ended the holy figure was insane and set up an ending that has me STOKED for next week.

I’m starting to see a parallel between the storyline of this series and that of VRV’s Lastman. The major difference being that Richard Aldana in Lastman doesn’t have an alternate form, but everyone else does, and the Rens from that show remind me a LOT of the horrors in this series. We’ll see if that continues as both shows stare at the second halves of their seasons.
