English Dub Review: Lastman “Squares Inside of Squares”

This shit is gonna give me nightmares later on tonight.

Summary (Spoilers Below)

This week, Richard and Siri are investigating a list that was left behind by Siri’s dad and Richard’s mentor David. Their investigation takes them to a prison where they interview a guy by the name of Rose who looks to be behind bars but later turns into some sort of a creature that causes a kick ass battle scene to commence that sees Siri and Rich become the victor.

Our Take

Holy shit, this thing just went from Rocky to Devil May Cry real fast, this week featuring more of a supernatural clash than what we may have seen in the past that should make fans of Bayonetta or God of War feel right at home. Fans of RwBy should flock to Siri’s aesthetically appealing fights whereas fans of Double Dragon are gonna love, Rich. This show has just been turned up a notch and perfectly gets you ready for more of what has yet to come. I hope and pray the producers are looking to option the continuing comic series after this prequel effort comes to pass because Lastman may just steal all of our awards this year. Anybody want something to do this American holiday weekend, I highly suggest you make time for Lastman. 
