English Dub Review: WorldEnd: What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us? “Evidence of My Existence”

Chtholly is gone, and death surrounds the ship as Willem abandons himself to guilt and rage.

Spoilers Below

Courtesy: Funimation

Willem takes Chtholly out in the ruins to see his home before he fell asleep. Things are awkward between the two of them. Both are a bit embarrassed to talk about their kiss the night before, and his proposal to her. Grick accompanies them, guiding them through the ruins. He recounts the story of the three gods that ruled that area. The last one, Ebon Candle, is familiar to us and Willem, as it was the one that he had taken out… okay, they took each other out. It was going dutch on a duel, then. Grick doesn’t believe him. However, shortly after arriving at Willem’s old house, monsters begin erupting from the ground, dropping the three of them into the caverns below. Nephren, Nopht, and Rhantolk fight off the monsters, and the ship gets ready to take off, but damage to the ship blew some of the engine’s circuits. Repairs are underway, but the danger is everywhere, and even Nephren is getting tired. The two other Leprechauns rush to fight, feeling invigorated by their massage by Willem, and the tuning of their weapons. However, there is no end to the enemy, and they continue to regenerate.

Courtesy: Funimation

Underground, Willem, Grick, and Chtholly try to find their way out. The second cave-in nearly crushes her, but Willem uses his venenom and pushes her aside, taking what sounds to be a spine-shattering blow in the process. Suddenly, Chtholly sprouts her fairy wings and bolts off down the corridor to a chamber with a glowing crystal. Inside is a little girl, the one from Chtholly’s hallucinations. She has a gaping wound in her chest, one that Willem confirms is from Seniorious. Chtholly’s hair turns almost entirely red, and she stops responding. Willem carries her back to the ship as she communes with the little girl. This girl explains the missing gaps in our story. Once, long ago, mankind was going to destroy the world. The three guardian deities came out to try and stop them, but the braves defeated the deities. With that, mankind became monsters and destroyed everything in their path. She was one of these deities. When Lillia killed this girl, her soul was able to be captured and turned into a Leprechaun… Chtholly. Speaking of whom, she still hasn’t woken up. The monsters are everywhere, ripping into the ship. After a while of sitting at her bedside in despair, blaming himself for her condition, one of the monsters opens the wall beside her. Willem decides he’s going to unload his rage on the thing, though we don’t get to see it. In the meantime, Nephren is fighting a losing battle against another one that has made it onto the ship. Her eyes begin to turn red, as she starts losing herself, opening her fairy gate. All seems lost.

This episode has a little bit of everything you want from this series. Action, mystery, and awkward, heartfelt romance. I was on the edge of my seat through this episode, as the tension has properly amped up. I’m glad we’re getting close to the truth of this story, though it feels we still have something more to explore or understand. The mysterious little girl claims that there is still some of Chtholly left, as she came and found her original body before she ran out of time. Does that mean that Chtholly will return? Or does the original girl take over, with Chtholly’s memories added on? The girl’s word choices were carefully written, so as to reveal information, but not everything, and to only reveal it from her point of view. I feel like there was a mythological feeling to her recounting events, rather than a historical accounting, and details may have been omitted or embellished. There is still a good amount left unexplored here, and we only have one episode left to figure it all out!

The art and animation here are powerful. Chtholly’s decent into madness is frightening and creepy all at once. We see blood dripping up a blue wall as a strange bit of imagery. At first, I thought it was just there as a creep factor, but it is really symbolic: The blue wall is Chtholly, and the blood is her original self. It breaks through to the surface, then rushes in and overwhelms her. Coupled with her freaked-out face, it makes you feel like something terrible is happening. The action with Nephren is great. Well animated, and definitely shows how worn out she is. The award for voice acting in this episode goes to Micah Solusod, who sold me on Willem’s emotional turmoil late in the episode. It was a well-written piece of inner dialogue. and he portrays it well enough that your heart aches for him. Overall, just a really great episode. I give it nine regenerating monsters out of ten. I can’t wait to see the finale next week!
