English Dub Review: Attack on Titan “Soldier”

Isolated and low on supplies, the Scouts must deal with an incomprehensible threat… The titans are using tactics!

Spoilers Below

Courtesy: Adult Swim

Connie relays to everyone what he saw in his hometown. When he begins to describe the titan in his house, which looks like his mother, Ymir ridicules him loudly, breaking him out of his train of thought. Some provisions are found, including some alcohol, and Ymir scavenges for some food. She identifies some sardines, but when she passes the can to Reiner, he becomes suspicious of her. It’s written in an unknown language… which she can somehow read! No time to focus on this, though! Things are looking bleak for the kids and their four Scout chaperones. The Beast Titan has climbed up Wall Rose and is watching from afar as a rush of titans attacks the ruined tower that they took refuge in. The soldiers rush off to face the enemy, while the kids barricade themselves in. A small titan climbs up inside the tower, and Reiner and Bertoldt hold him off until the other three find a cannon and drop it on him. A second titan arrives and nearly gets Connie, but Reiner throws his arm up in the way to block the bite. Now grappled, the titan is powerless as Reiner lifts him up and throws him out the window! Now that is some strength under fire! They barricade the door while Krista creates a splint and sling for the hero’s arm.

Courtesy: Adult Swim

Things seem like they’re getting better, with all the titans in the area lying dead on the ground. Unfortunately, the Beast Titan has other plans. He begins to hurl boulders, which kill the horses, two of the Scouts, and a chunk of the tower. To make matters worse, a second wave has appeared, this time twice the size of the last! The two remaining Scouts fight on until their ODM gear runs out of gas and their swords are worn to the nub. Their gear fails them, and they are taken by the giant enemies. While the trainees contemplate their impending doom, Ymir decides she has a different way to go. She reminds Krista to live her life in a way that would make herself proud, then jumps off the tower, armed with nothing but a knife. Is this some form of warrior’s death, seeking to face the reaper head on? No. She cuts her hand… and transforms into a titan!

This was a gripping episode, filled with tension and action. Though we’ve spent most of our time thus far flipping between this trainee group and Eren Yeager, this episode focuses entirely on the kids and their protectors. I don’t even miss Eren and his gang here. It’s disturbing that the titans are now using tactics, attacking in waves and using thrown weapons to weaken their prey before going after them for real. This is likely due to the Beast Titan, who is quite intelligent. He is likely giving the titans their marching orders, but his intent is as mysterious as the Colossal Titan, the Armored Titan, and Annie from last season. Knowing also that Eren and Annie aren’t the only Titan-formers in the 104th changes things. How many titans are in that class, and do they know each other? Could anyone be a titan in disguise? Given that Connie’s mother likely became one, it is entirely likely that something can make people into titans, but we have yet to see it yet. The voice acting was fine for the most part. I had to suppress a chuckle at Reiner’s thought-line of “Marry Me” as Krista tended his wounds. Really, Krista is my only problem, and even then, only when she screams. Maybe my ears are just sensitive to high-pitch sounds, but Krista’s screams are unpleasantly whistle-esque. Otherwise, great stuff. I was really disturbed when Nanaba was being torn apart, screaming “No Daddy, don’t! I’ll be a good girl!” It was well acted and showed just how the pain was affecting her. I don’t really have to go into how much I love the art and animation in this show, so I will just let you know that I give this episode eight empty wine bottles out of ten.
