Review: Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures “Geoff’s Burger Discount”


Back in the day, Geoff used to go to this burger joint near the Rooster Teeth office. Every time he would go, the guy at the counter would give him an insane discount. After about three months, Geoff asked him about the discount. Apparently, the guy thought Geoff worked at a local punk club. Stupidly, Geoff confessed that he did not work there, nor did he ever. The guy got really upset and said Geoff better tip him well. Geoff gave him sixty dollars and didn’t go back for awhile.

OK, this one was slightly funny. Since the burger joint was staffed by large, burly, scary dudes, Geoff was scared after admitting that he didn’t work at the punk place. While I can understand loving an amazing discount from a place you go frequently, the polite thing would have been to ask about the deep discount the first or second time, not after three months of going every other day. But at least he did confess. It sounds like the other guys would have just kept their mouths shut and that is a crappy thing to do to a small business owner.
