Review: Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures “A Tale of Copper & Quartz”

Who carries pennies anymore, honestly.

This episode is all Gus. He takes a trip to the Natural History museum. As he is looking at the display of quartz, a teenage girl pushes him out of the way. She then boldly tells her friend how much she loves diamonds. Even though the display clearly says quartz in large letters.

Later, Gus comes upon a pressed penny machine. However, he has no pennies and the change machine gives everything but pennies. So he goes into the gift shop to try to get some change. He just needs to buy something before the cashier will open the register. Gus buys some gummy worms and the cashier gives him change. Even though Gus told him that he wanted the change for the pressed penny machine, the cashier gives him cruddy looking pennies. Gus sees some shiny pennies in the register. Politely, Gus asks the cashier if he can exchange the cruddy pennies for the shiny ones. The guy complies but needs to fully examine all of the pennies in question before handing them over.

For some reason, I found this funnier than it really was. Something about imagining Gus in a museum, getting pressed pennies, and acting like a normal person makes me laugh. So many of his stories are way out in left field that this was actually something completely different for him. It was a nice to see him not acting like a dick, for once.
