English Dub Review: Dragonball Super Ep.6: Don’t Anger The Destroyer! A Tense Birthday Party

Never get between a purple cat-God and his desire for pudding!

Spoilers Below

Goku gets dressed in a clean outfit and quickly recovers from the Beerus Beatdown thanks to some Senzu beans he had stashed in advance but King Kai quickly regrets giving him one after finding out that Goku is going to Bulma’s Birthday party in an attempt to intercept Beerus. Understandably, King Kai doesn’t want to escalate things any further but Goku’s remains conflicted on whether or not to actually go there.

We finally cut back to earth at Bulma’s birthday party in her cruise ship. While everyone is having fun, there’s also a great sense of peril, but thankfully this is balanced with tame comedic moments which include: The Pilaf Gang feasting in their own private corner, Oolong & Krillin in what looks like a corndog eating contest, pervy old Master Roshi getting a well-deserved bitch-slap for his leering juxtaposed to Vegeta punching a wall in sheer terror that somebody instantly defeated Goku with just two hits.

And like a slasher movie villain, Beerus sneaks up on Vegeta from behind which understandably scares him shitless.

This leads to a retcon flashback into Vegeta’s Past where Beerus proceeds to dominate & humiliate his father as a child. And if you’re wondering why Beerus bothered to bully Vegeta’s father, it turns out King Vegeta disobeyed Beerus by secretly stealing the “most comfortable pillow in the universe” which in retaliation lead to Beerus punishing the King by repeatedly stomping his face into the ground and taking the pillow by force.

It further hits the point home how much of a traumatized impression Beerus has cemented on Vegeta to the point that his brain processed it as a repressed memory until the sudden and unexpected reappearance of Beerus triggered that flashback to resurface with an intensity so great that he falls face-down on the boat freezing in terror.

As Vegeta freezes up in terror, he begins to realize that Beerus would be the type to instantly beat Goku with just two hits. As Beerus makes his presence known, He insultingly regrets not destroying planet Vegeta himself and then asks him if he knows anything about a “Super Saiyan God” but of course not even Vegeta knows what he’s talking about.

Before things get more suspenseful of course, this becomes the perfect time for a drunk Bulma to stroll in and happily invite both of them to her party by Beerus claiming that he & Whis are Vegeta’s old friends which further perplexes Bulma, she even remarks that she wasn’t aware that Vegeta had any friends – ever!

Beerus expresses interest in the food the party has to offer as Bulma has hired a high-quality staff of professional caterers for her party while Vegeta apprehensively witnesses Beerus being introduced to the other party-goers who are understandably ignorant to his god status & powers.

Their ignorance is further exemplified when Yamcha tries to befriend Beerus and smacks his back in a chummy-manner to Krillin cooking up some “Russian octopus balls stuffed with wasabi” that he offers to Beerus. Luckily the they both find the food delicious.

The rest of the episode is mostly spent on Vegeta trying desperately to stay on Beerus’ good side by intercepting anyone or anything from antagonizing Beerus which could potentially bring about him blowing up the Earth.

However, despite Vegeta’s hard work, things can’t stay peaceful for long. Beerus lets his pettiness get the better of him when he’s pushed too far because of Buu’s childish behavior which is only made worse when Buu proceeds not to share any of the pudding with him by going as far as to lick every damn pudding cup out of spite (Damn!). It’s a substantially childish dick-move, but this is Buu we’re talking about. Of course, Beerus retaliates in an equally childish manner- by beating the shit out of Buu!

Because of the brutal display of violence that escalated due to Buu’s immaturity, the episode ends in cliffhanger fashion when Beerus flies up in the sky and fires a deadly blast at Buu. But of course, some of the party-goers who are Earth’s fighters within Goku’s circle won’t stand for this, and even Bulma isn’t the type to just let Beerus have his way.


Thankfully Vegeta stole the show comedically as his attempts to stay on Beerus’s good side was a struggle the Prince isn’t quite use to which even includes a scene where Vegeta’s cooking Octopus but it replaces the infamous “Bingo song” from “Battle of the Gods”.

As far as I can tell, Beerus in many respects reminds me of the Greek gods due to the pettiness of his short temper and how he impulsively gets upset over the smallest things with Vegeta’s flashback and his immature spat with Buu only further exemplifying this.

Even the first time when I saw “Battle of the Gods” years ago, I knew shit would go down between Beerus & Buu because if you know anything about the psychology of children, they often can’t be reasoned with and have a stubborn uncompromising nature when it comes to getting their way.

DB Super has now reached the meat of the story but predictably we the fans & audience know that Goku at some point will show up on Earth to stop Beerus. But at its core, episode 6 was mainly Vegeta-focused which isn’t a bad thing because this retconned established History with Beerus shows us that Planet Vegeta had it’s share of problems outside of having a despicable monster like Freeza as their boss.