Comics Review: Rick and Morty #22

The comic series that should certainly help you with holding off on the TV series until it’s good.

Courtesy: Oni Press

Spoilers Below

This month’s issue of Rick and Morty comics sees the continuing effects that the Jerry from the Doofus dimension is having on Rick, Morty, Beth, and a miniature Summer. After a while, Rick summons the Council of Ricks to apprehend Jerry and take him away. Unfortunately, Jerry’s methodical actions see him usurp power over the Ricks and nearly kills OUR Rick by utilizing a pheromone used to kill beetles.

Meanwhile, Doofus Rick promises the real Jerry that he’s going to find a solution to get everyone back to their correct dimensions and says it’ll take about a month before it works.

“Rick and Morty In: It’s Kind of Morty Magic” features Morty working up the courage to ask out Jessica, but Rick grows impatient and grabs a Morty with more confidence from an alternate dimension. Unfortunately, the new Morty doesn’t stick around long enough to learn the consequences of mowing on another guy’s lawn.

Our Take

The main arc for this string of Rick and Morty comics is so damn good and is some of the best reading this franchise has ever done. It’s just twist after twist after twist that keeps you on the edge of your seat and I want more. The Doofus Rick cameo was brief, but important, but what wasn’t important was the “Rick and Morty In: It’s Kind of Morty Magic” bit. I even question the editorial logic of having two competing stories concerning the acquisition of the principal characters from different dimensions in the same issue. Why not do something a bit different and fuck around with some of the more popular ancillary characters or even Summer or Beth?
