Short but sweet, this week’s episode has come almost at the halfway point of this season, we have to make the most of what we are given. So let’s not waste any more time and dive in.


Continuing on from episode three, Blake and Sun finally reach their destination: Menagerie.

As the name implies, Menagerie is a sanctuary to all Faunus given by the humans to call home. On paper, this seems awfully generous. But in reality with the fact that half of this small island is a desert filled with deadly creatures, the overcrowded population, and with how far it is from any other society shows that this was humanity’s way of getting rid of their pest problem and so they could pat themselves on the back for being so giving. And like Qrow said, “this is only gonna lead to trouble”.

Menagerie is Blake’s home, one she hasn’t been to in many years. And as fate might have it, was born into wealth. Guess she can’t give Weiss any more shit about being privileged. Her mother Kali is clearly a Cat Faunus, though it’s unclear what exactly her father Ghira is.

And to make this reunion even more fun, Blake brings home a boy for the first time. With Sun’s wit, charm, and horrible foot-in-mouth syndrome gets on her dad’s bad side, but her mom really likes him at least. It’s so cute how crazy Sun is about Blake and how he really doesn’t want her parents to hate him but Ghira clearly does. (as the Vol.4 intro comedically implies.)

But this lovely family moment didn’t last long, as two White Fang zealots/brothers named Fennec &  Corsac Albain decide to pay the Belladonna’s a visit. Apparently, Blake’s parents were completely unaware of the Faunus organization’s hand in The Fall of Beacon, and the White Fang members are trying to get Blake’s father to rejoin their cause as it’s revealed that Ghira was the original founder before he respectfully stepped down and became the “head-honcho” of the Island. Despite all of this, The Albain Brothers claim that Adam Taurus doesn’t represent them anymore as they don’t believe in his genocidal ideals.

But come on people! Are we really going to believe this bullshit?! Fuck-No! Whether Adam simply has spies planted in Menagerie, or he really does have control over the White Fang as a whole, those boys are going to tell Adam of Blake’s grand return home. This won’t be good.

But our story doesn’t end there!

We can’t forget about crazy old Tyrian and his mission to capture Ruby. I guess he’s one of Salem’s men for a reason since it took him no time at all to catch up to team RNJR.

He’s already found the hotel Qrow was staying at, he can’t be that far behind their trail, especially since they’re traveling on foot. I can smell an epic battle brewing. But fret not! With Jaune, Nora, Ren, and even Qrow in her corner, Ruby will be just fine right?

Our Take

OK, I love all the lore we’re getting, but did anyone else think the conversation between Blake and Sun at the beginning was a bit TOO expository? The racism was as subtle as a brick to the head and didn’t seem to fit very well into the story but I can at least get what they were going for. Menagerie is arguably a parable to the Separate but Equal policy. It just doesn’t feel like a conversation real people would have to me, and I thought the point of the “World of Remnant” videos was to prevent the need for this kind of forced dialogue.

Plus, the faunus on Menagerie are fucking morons. they’ve had this island for I dunno, 10+ years and yet they still haven’t figured out a way to live in the desert area? come on! Are you even trying?

No Yang, Weiss, Salem, or even Oscar this week. Hopefully, Weiss and Yang aren’t letting themselves get soft and are training their butts off. I have a feeling that they’re gonna need all the strength they have to beat this threat.

Next week is the halfway mark for this season, and then it’ll probably go in break until next year. And we all know that episode six will leave us on a crazy cliffhanger. What will it be?

We’ll just have to wait and see.