Review: Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures “Movie Stories”

What’s your favorite scary movie?

Spoilers Below

Burnie, Gus, and Brandon trade stories of terrible things they have done in movie theaters. During the opening scene of The Punisher, Gus throws a fit about the location in the movie not matching the look of the actual location. Then, during Bewitched, Gus got super drunk and started yelling at the audience about how awful the movie was. Finally, Brandon’s story wasn’t really about him. While he watched Tropic Thunder, a douchebag kept answering his phone. Brandon called him out on it and the guy almost beat him up for it.

While they are fun “after the fact” stories, most of these show how awful these guys act in real life. Brandon was the saving grace of calling out the asshole in his story. The others were all about how Gus doesn’t know how to behave like a normal human being. I can only hope that he isn’t really like that.
