Review: Triumph Election Watch 2016: The Home Stretch

Thank the frig, Christ…election season is nearly over.

For those thinking that Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is a left-leaning champion, you may be disappointed by this episode. Really, Triumph boils down the fact that we are faced with a decision between shit and puke this election year, and the colors of each are just turning brown as we get closer to the end. And to that note, yes, Triumph includes another focus group bit…two to be exact, one featuring Trump “saying” crazy shit, and the other featuring Hillary.

Actually, fans of The Howard Stern Show will note the familiar sounding Trump and Clinton characters, but really, I think the world just might be all out of some of the jokes for the two subjects. Mostly, it’s just exhaustion. Robin Quivers noted today that it has been a 60o day election cycle, and at this juncture, I’m just bored of talking about it. Yes, there are some good jokes in this special, but for those wanting this election to be over, you might be full of Trump parodies by now.
